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About Us




Nissim Saban is the founder of Maane, Working in real Time embedded systems more then 25 years.

Deep knowledge and understanding on system level and on the finest details.

Experienced in TI processors C2000, C6000, C66 Multicore DSP, Davinci and more.

Long experience in Embedded Linux including drivers, Android applications and Sys BIOS  and all the relevant tools.


Working with SOC (System On Chip) with the frameworks and tools needed for interprocessors communications and workload adjustments.


Participating in multiple projects of Image and Video processing alongside with algorithms designers and programmers enables deep understanding of the "language" and the needs. Getting the algorithms to run from 100's of miliseconds to 10's of miliseconds and meet the required performance of real time video.


Please visit linkedin page for more details.



The Team


Maane employs and cooperates with other experts in needed fields.

The team consists of engineering experts that join forces  for a specific project. Team size is flexible and might change during the life cycle of the project.



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